Sunday, April 24, 2016

Game of Thrones dolls - creating the HBO series characters in scale

Tonight is the premiere of the sixth season of Game Of Thrones, the popular television series based on the books of G.R.R. Martin. I am a fan of both and am waiting for it anxiously. Just last week I saw on facebook the wonderful work of the talented Lisa Ramsammy (The Dollplace), who repainted a Tonner doll to make it look like Jon Snow - with incredible results. So I decided to look around a bit about more Game Of Thrones great repaints and I am happy to present them all here, with links to the websites of their talented creators, so that you can go ahead and see more of their amazing work and maybe order a doll that you crave. They were created for the Game Of Thrones project of The Repaint Society, where you can find more characrers from the series. Some are already for sale on ebay, others through the respective creator's website.

Jon Snow by Lisa Ramsammy - find her at The Dollplace.

Photo by Lisa Ramsammy

Photo by Lisa Ramsammy

The Night's King by Lisa Ramsammy

Photo by Lisa Ramsammy

Tyrion Lannister by Laurie Leigh - find her at Beautiful Faces by Laurie Leigh

Photo by Laurie Leigh

Photo by Laurie Leigh

Kal Drogo by Laurie Leigh

Photo by Laurie Leigh

Jaime Lannister by Susan Hook at My Immortals

Photo by Susan Hook

Photo by Susan Hook

Ygritte by Susan Hook for My Immortals

Photo by Susan Hook

Cersei Lannister by Laurie Everton at Barbie Canvas

Photo by Laurie Everton

Missandei by Laurie Lenz at Angels Doll Studio

Photo by Laurie Lenz

Melisandre of Asshai by Aysun Kuzey of Kuzey Creations

Photo by Aysun Kuzey


  1. I am always amazed by the talent of these re-paint doll artists. It is a talent I wish that I had! All of the artists your reference and link to here are indeed very talented and their dolls are simply amazing!

  2. I know nothing about The Game of Thrones but the dolls are to die for :-)

  3. Wonderful dolls! Thank you for this post. I am going to re-blog it.

    1. Thanks Terri, glad you like them - I was happy to post such creative work.

  4. very cool cork I am very impressed...but John Snow hair is like a shampoo commercial...becaus he deserves it lol

  5. Thank you for the post! So appreciated... and all of the awesome comments.

  6. filmu nie oglądam -
    ale lalki - zachwycają!!!
